sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2016

Goodbye 2016, Welcome 2017!


Good Morning Father Sun, and the Sun that is behind the Sun!
Thank you Spirits of the Forest that guide us and protect us!

Thank you Cusco Pachamamita for your love 
Let´s say goodbye to this year 2016, a year of a lot of interior work, changes, transformations, detachments. A yer that have made us more authenthic, more humble, the challenges have given us more strenght and patience. Thank you to our beautiful Heart (Sonqo), Body and Soul for their marvelous wisdom and light. Thank you to our hands for teaching us what we can do and what we cannot, thank you to our feet for guiding where we should be and make us stop when we are in danger. Thank you to our mind, to our marvelous uterus that guide us, all the Women, to be warriors, to be sensitive, shamans and healers. Thank you to 2017 for all the good things that are coming and all the transformation it will provide, all the healing, ecological communities, enhancement of the ancestral wisdom of our Indians grandfathers and grandmothers, but among of all, the Love to our Land, that is necessary for achieving self-love steem, Love is the most powerful energy that exists in the Universe and is calling each one of us.  Let us be guided for It!
With so much Love,
Adriana María

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  Contacto: Adriana María Origgi de la Flor salaestar1@gmail.com Adriana María, Canto de Estrellas (fb) https://www.facebook.com/amariaqoyll...